This is the title of Björk's new album, which speaks of a "love for nature in all her manifestations" and "a restless curiosity, an urge to investigate and discover the elusive places where we meet nature".... All this and an introduction from Sir David Attenborough! I'm in heaven!
"The biophilia hypothesis suggests that there is an instinctive bond between human beings and other living systems'" ... I am excited by the fact that this idea has been explored in musical form and can't wait to hear the results.
I love the idea of the songs being created around a kind of 'Solar System' structure that is housed within the 'Mother'. I love how Björk is unafraid of exploring new technologies and collaborating with other artists with new ideas. Some performers can become so insular in their process, and I think sometimes their work can suffer for it. The new song below Cosmogony, is a retelling of creation myths from around the world.... Stunning!
I look forward to this multi-layered audio-visual extravaganza as Björk breaks new expressive ground and reminds us all of what we're capable of as Humans, but also of how close to the Source we really can be...
"We are on the brink of a revolution that will unite Humans with Nature.... until we get there, prepare, explore Biophilia."

I am very excited about this Bjork project, especially with David Attenborough on board - what a treat! I think the name "Biophilia" is perfect, and it conjures up much nature loving wonderfulness!I love the picture of that amazing tree. What could it be? Perhaps a fantastical fig?