So long since my last post, so much going on in my life. Much change has been afoot...
This post is in the form of a bit of a graphic story, dedicated to my fellow 'wanderer in whimsy' here, who is just about to embark on a soul-journey that has been a long time coming! I wish you so well dear WildFlower <3 May your heart and head find the calm-peace and connection to self that (we all) long for! Or in any event, just have a great relaxing time haha!
Sometimes the best thing to do in life is revel in the journey itself, rather than the destination...
And we should try to live more in the moment each day, rather than always looking ahead to the future. This can be so limiting as it seems so far away and sometimes seems impossible to get 'there'.... But,
It can be difficult, but we often need to...
Trusting in this will reduce your pain. And recognising that..

And also that...
We can often judge our own lives harshly and wonder why everyone else seems to be so 'together'...
Comparing ourselves, our lives, our achievements to anyone else's is counter productive and can only lead us down a rabbit hole of despair ad self-loathing....
Sometimes we can get so low that we forget that
and that...

Especially when it seems nobody in your life understands who you truly are, and what your true desires really are... Most important of all though, is this:
Be free.
I love, love, love this... thank you! You know I need a little reminder now and again.