Today I asked a question, and this was the answer -happily- received.
Now to rememer what Rumi says and not ignore the truth and opportunites...

"Affiliated with Beginnings is the goddess Tara, perhaps the most important deity for Tibetan Buddhists and the compassionate mother
goddess. Endowed with the the power to heal all
sorrows and grant all wishes. She helps us regain self-confidence and peace of mind.
Tara is
honoured as the protectress against the many fears that block men and women from
living in happiness and harmony. Often our fears will emerge as we begin a new phase of life: a promisng new relationship; a new venture; a change of home or job. The appearance of this card is an invitation for us to consider the functions these fears perform, so we may release them. This is a time fro new beginnings, for optimism and for trust. Today, you will start something new in your life which will
begin a positive journey. Being innocent will allow you to be open to blessings."
(My favourite tarot deck - such gorgeous resonant images and oh so accurate!)
To listen to that inner knowing, deep within, and to honour that truth... It's not always easy, but imagine the beauty and gifts that await...